Breaking up with Coffee (again)

IMG_4436 2That’s it. I’ve had enough. I’m done. I had my last coffee today. For real. This is my public declaration of the end of this unhealthy relationship. I’ve been psychologically addicted to coffee for way too long and I know even the occasional dark roast is doing my bladder no good. So I’m making a clean break, once and for all (or at least until my bladder is happy again!).

I’m sure many people will shake their heads and wonder how I don’t just quit the addiction, since anyone with IC knows coffee is one of the worst foods to aggravate the bladder, but I’ve got a serious attachment… scratch that… I HAD a serious attachment to the black bean. It’s my happy place. I stopped drinking alcohol cold turkey last summer and it couldn’t have been easier, but it’s been a lot more challenging to let go of caffeine. But it’s time.

I need to radically alter my diet. And one of the most important ways I need to do that is to cut out the major bladder irritants and replace them with alkaline alternatives.

I saw my doctor today and she said the request for a dietician referral for me was denied for a second time, despite her carefully worded request. I was pretty bummed. I really don’t understand why they won’t see me through medicare, but I’m not defeated, just delayed. I’ll have to make an appointment and pay out of pocket myself, but I think it’s important that I invest in this. The only snag is I’ll need to wait till I’ve got my financial situation sorted out. So it won’t be right away, but it will be soon.

In the meantime, I’m going to have to just come up with my own very simple, basic meal plan and make a concerted effort to stick to it. I’ve really been struggling lately with my diet. I’ve been eating pretty acidic foods – including the occasional coffee – and it’s not doing me or my bladder any good. I don’t feel great, my pain is not abating, and it’s a vicious cycle because the more sorry I feel for myself the more I want something comforting… like ice cream, or a dark roast… some of the most acidic foods out there, and then it just makes me feel worse. So enough is enough. I need a personalized alkaline diet plan, and I will find one, with or without professional support.

Stay tuned as I do some research and post about diet changes in the next week. 

4 thoughts on “Breaking up with Coffee (again)

  1. You can do it. Start with the really really safe stuff and experiment. I used to eat bananas as they were considered safe, but nothing changed and then someone said could be them. So stopped and the pain eased a bit. I then got a bit lax and started adding random things and now back where i started. It could be the cauliflower, the digestive enzymes as they had vit b6 and didnt know or the new wheat free gravy, but had soya. Its a long hard annoying journey and im nowhere near the finish line. I paid to see a nutritionist. Last visit on monday (had 3). Even she got some things wrong. The digestive enzymes, the probiotics she suggested but on delving into the ingredients neither were safe. You are probably your best advocate as you know how you feel. As the ic forum says we are all different and what helps one, kills another. Good luck.

    • Thanks for your insight and encouragement, Chrissy! You’re right about being your own best advocate. Good to be reminded of the importance of personal responsibility.

  2. I found giving up gluten, bananas and milk helped me immensely…these are all supposedly safe foods for IC. I drink coffee it does not flare me and really helps with constipation which does flare me. I think coffee gets a bad rap…I don’t think it’s bad for everyone. I also believe you can be sensitive to foods you don’t have an allergic reaction to…you have to be the detective and figure out what bothers you. It drives me nuts when people keeping asking other people with IC “can you eat that?” Maybe they can, that doesn’t mean you can…we are all different…everyone’s experience with IC is different and what helps you may not help anyone else. Good luck figuring out what you can eat and what you can do to help yourself…it really takes time, fortitude and listening to your body.

  3. That’s a great point, Carol, and one I hadn’t given much thought to. But it’s true, what bothers one person’s bladder might have zero effect on another’s, even if it’s one of the most common irritants. I envy you for being able to drink coffee! But then, I’m pretty sure I don’t have a problem with dairy or gluten or bananas, so I’m lucky that way. Like you said, it’s all about finding the very personal list of what works and what doesn’t.

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