Crazy Sexy… Bladder?

“We accept that our ailment is an assignment, an occasion to go deeper into ourselves, in order to heal our bodies, feelings, or lives.” – Crazy Sexy Cancer.

While this documentary isn’t about IC, it still speaks to having a chronic, incurable condition that can only be managed and/or put into remission through a whole-body, multi-layered wellness plan. After watching this film, I’ve had an epiphany. I might never find a cure – I might have Interstitial Cystitis for the rest of my life – yet this doesn’t mean there’s nothing I can do to feel totally well and fully alive even so. Until now I’ve thought I either had to be totally cured or be doomed to sink ever deeper into sickness and despair, but it’s just not that simple. The fact is, my bladder may always be vulnerable and have its good days and bad, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have control over how this condition affects me.

Would I have learned as much as I have, and will continue to learn, about nutrition and wellness, (and dare I say, life?) without having had to face this health crisis? No way. So, like Kris Carr, I would not wish my pain on anyone, but I do accept it for myself as a means to a higher level of personal awareness and as a powerful motivation to discover ever better types of self-care and healing.

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